"As an International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, we are strongly committed to promoting a global culture of respect for diversity, non-violence and social inclusion. Strategy 2020 clearly underscores the RC/RC role to change mindsets, attitudes and behaviour.
Bekele Geleta, IFRC Secretary General, highlights: “it is often said that young people are the future of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, but I feel that is only part of the story. Young people are the Movement’s driving force here and now, and are the world’s best hope for real and lasting behavioural change at the community level and beyond.”
In the Declaration Together for Humanity, adopted at the 30th International Conference of the Red Cross and Red Crescent, 186 RC/RC National Societies, the IFRC, ICRC and all States Parties to the 1949 Geneva Conventions, agreed on the key role youth have to play and the need to empower them to do so.
The Principles and Values (P&V) department in the Geneva Secretariat thus created a concrete initiative, which is actively supported by the Youth Commission and the Organisational Development department, responding to this firm call.
Youth as Agents of Behavioural Change (YABC) is an initiative to empower youth to play a lead role in transforming mindsets, attitudes and behaviour in their local communities. It starts from the premise that a prior commitment to inner change and being the living example of our Fundamental Principles and Humanitarian Values is the best way to reach this objective.
YABC uses innovative and artistic platforms and integrates peer education and non-cognitive learning to promote behavioural change. As such, it uses games, role plays, visualisation, drama, dance, art and movement for youth to make the journey "from the heart to the mind" and engage in social mobilisation.
United in Solferino to celebrate the 150th year of the Red Cross Red Crescent, our youth expressed their active and formal support for YABC and revoiced Mahatma Ghandi’s wisdom to “be the change you want to see in the world.”
In 2008-2009, the P&V department developed a draft toolkit for YABC, together with the Youth Commission and a network of youth leaders from National Societies world-wide. The draft toolkit’s contents are:
Part 1. Behavioural skills: (i) active listening, (ii) empathy, (iii) critical thinking, dropping bias and non-judgement, (iv) non-violent communication and peaceful resolution of tensions, (v) mediation and reconciliation, (vi) operating from inner peace and harmony.
Part 2. Thematic issues: (i) non-discrimination and respect for diversity (e.g. elderly, disabled, migrants, PLHIV), (ii) promotion of a culture of non-violence and peace, (iii) promotion of gender equality, (iv) social inclusion, (v) inter-cultural dialogue
Part 3. Artistic platforms for social mobilisation (developed in 2010): (i) music, (ii) dance, (iii) theatre, (iv) visual arts, (v) sports, (vi) video.
The draft toolkit also furthers mainstreaming of “P&V” topics into other RC/RC areas of work. As such, it covers discrimination and stigmatisation against PLHIV, migrants, elderly; resisting peer pressure on substance and alcohol abuse; managing stress; enhancing resilience and self-empowerment.
The draft toolkit was pilot-tested in Solferino, June 2009 by 20 YABC youth leaders reaching 250 youth. Later in 2009, multi-cultural teams of YABC peer educators further field-tested the toolkit (e.g. Atlantis youth camp for Mediterranean National Societies, international youth camp in Uganda, MENA gathering in Tunis).
Looking ahead…
In 2010-2011, YABC will pursue the following objectives:
1. Field-testing of and finalising the draft YABC toolkit
2. Broaden NS base using the toolkit
3. Develop indicators measuring the impact of YABC
4. Obtain international, external recognition and expand partnerships."
4. Obtain international, external recognition and expand partnerships."
Newsletter 7
Special Edition YABC -November 2009
Principles and Values - Geneva Secretariat
International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
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